"We Turn Good Boys & Girls into Great Leaders!"
Who We Are?
The BSA is an international organization catering to young boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 21 years old. BSA is dedicated to helping them build good character and skills for success, through fun friendship and confidence building activities. BSA provides young boys and girls with a feeling of belonging and trains them to be well-rounded individuals and proficient leaders. The Midwest Islamic Scouting Council (MISC) Scouting Programs incorporates Islamic traditions to enable young boys and girls to understand how to successfully balance success and growth in life without compromising the faith.
The program seeks to achieve the BSA’s objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness. The MISC Scouting Programs are run by committed volunteers who serve as leaders, role models, and mentors to the young boys and girls. Interested boys and girls can join Pack, Troop or Crew 99 at one of our locations. If you would like to register your child or volunteer some of your valuable time, please email us at info@theMISC.net
Family Scouting is for boys and girls who are in Kindergarten through fifth grades or who are between 6 to 10 years old. Kids who are older than 10 years old or those have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Family Scouting but they are more than welcome to join the Scouts BSA program. For more information, please contact us at info@theMISC.net
What We Do?
Midwest Islamic Scouting Council (MISC) is pleased to offer a Scouting Program catering to the families in our communities. MISC Family Scouts, Scouts BSA and Venturing Crew are official premiere youth programs for MISC. MISC owns the units and operates them via leaders trained through the BSA program. MISC is the Charter Organization, or the Organization chartered by the BSA to run all MISC Family Scouts, Scouts BSA and Venturing Crew programs via the BSA which holds a congressional charter under Title 36 of the United States Code. MISC Scouting Programs are nationally and internationally recognized. Though the MISC Scouting Program is run within BSA guidelines, the BSA does not interfere with the MISC operation of the programs. Chartered Organizations such as MISC run the programs under the guidance of MISC Governance. No other committee or parent can govern the scouting units.
Please note, since belief in God is a core requirement of BSA programs, MISC Scouting Programs are the only programs which do not allow youth to continue in the program if they don’t believe in ALLAH and don’t practice the religious rituals in and out of the program. Scouts learn life skills via scouting activities and build their confidence while instilling values of the BSA Scout Law and Scout Oath. BSA Scout Law and Oath are consistent with and are ingrained in Islamic laws, and each scout must memorize in their hearts and practice it while they are scouting. The goal is that the scouts will be practicing the laws when they complete the scouting program as well as continue this in their real life. Each scout must do service projects to the benefiting agencies, communities and our Nation.
We aim to graduate Eagle Scouts every year, which is the highest achievement a scout can earn at the end of the program.
MISC BSA scouting programs are also supported by the National Islamic Committee on Scouting (NCIS) and each scout can earn special Religious Emblems such as the Bismillah Emblem, In the Name of God Emblem and God is Great Emblem (AllahuAkbar) via rigorous activities and working with an Imam. MISC BSA programs are also associated with its own Muslim Jamboree. The Jamboree happens periodically every few years with the next Muslim Jamboree at the time of this writing scheduled in 2020.
MISC BSA programs also provide both parents, mothers or fathers to be involved as our trained leaders in the program as long as Islamic principles, rules and regulations are followed. As an example, we don’t turn the mother’s away from running boy’s programs. MISC BSA programs are also the only programs where we make Youth Protection Training (YPT) mandatory for both parents or guardians who mingle with our scouts. No ranks advancements are allowed if the youth don’t practice Youth Protection with their parents as well as protection from the internet.
Dr. Ahmad Sultan
Dr. Sultan initiated the Scouting Program in late 2003 with the first troop established in 2004. He has been empowering and preparing youth for the next generation of leadership challenges for the past 18 years in various communities in the Chicagoland area.
His mission through Midwest Islamic Scouting Council (MISC) is to inspire and positively contribute to the “American Saga” in the next 50 to 100 years by creating an inclusive platform and building on common grounds shared among the diverse population of our society. Based on Faith, Values, and Brotherhood, the organization is “planting a seed of a unique civilization by integrating diversity”.

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